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About us

Swiss Association for Traffic Psychology VfV-SPC

The Swiss Association for Traffic Psychology was founded in 1986 and is a member of the Federation of Swiss Psychologists (FSP) since 1987.

The main objective of the association is to disseminate current psychological knowledge in all endeavours in the transport sector (road, rail, water, air) in practice, teaching, research, law and politics.

The association is committed solely to scientific and humanitarian criteria and is politically independent. 

The association is made up of psychologists who work at universities, private institutes, in specialist organisations or independently. There are three groups of specialists:

  • Assessment
  • Rehabilitation
  • Research

The association's agenda includes education in road safety, driving fitness diagnostics, traffic therapy, further training in traffic psychology, international professional contacts, support for measures to increase road safety, psychological aspects of road safety within the legal framework.  

Our clients are road users as well as authorities and institutions dealing with traffic issues.

The association and its members initiate research and educational projects, such as problems of senior citizens in road traffic, the analysis of the connection between drugs and driver behaviour, the further development of driving fitness assessments, psychological aspects in the development of driver assistance systems, rehabilitation programmes for faulty drivers, professional criteria for traffic therapy or courses for future professionals in traffic psychology.

The association is in close contact with similar European organisations and had a significant impact in the founding of the European Association of Traffic Psychologists (EUROPSYT). 

The association works in an advisory capacity on legislative activities and participates in political discourse. We regularly make the expert knowledge of our members available on request. Our aim is always to combine traffic psychology with road safety. We do not represent any political party, but provide our evidence-based scientific knowledge.

Managing Board


Nicole Eugster, dipl. psych.,
Spécialiste en psychologie de la circulation FSP
Spécialiste en Psychologie légale FSP
Case postale 1156
1180 Rolle



Martina Menn, Dr. phil.
Fachpsychologin für Verkehrspsychologie FSP
Stampfenbachstrasse 42
8006 Zürich

Aktuary / Media Contact

Vakant - vacant - vacante


Isabelle Singh, MSc
Fachpsychologin für Verkehrspsychologie FSP
Institut für Rechtsmedizin
Murtenstrasse 26
3008 Bern

E Mail:

Chair Psychological Assessment

Rahel Bieri, Dr. phil.
Fachpsychologin für Verkehrspsychologie FSP
Fachpsychologin für Rechtspsychologie FSP
Neumarkt 1
8400 Winterthur

Chair Therapy

German-speaking Switzerland:

Charlotte Wunsch, Dr. phil.
Fachpsychologin für klinische Psychologie FSP
Eidgenössisch anerkannte Psychotherapeutin FSP
Zentrum für Fahrkompetenz
Werdstrasse 34
8004 Zürich

French-speaking Switzerland:

Pierre Kahil, lic. phil.
Psychologue spécialiste en psychothérapie FSP
Rue Caroline 7
1003 Lausanne