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What are you looking for?

Psychological Assessment of Traffic Behaviour
Do you need an assessment of your traffic behaviour?
Traffic Therapy / Traffic Coaching / Courses / Cognitive Training
Do you need help to get your  driving licence back?
Research and Information around Traffic and Driving
Our members are also researchers and teachers. They communicate their findings in scientific publications.
Further Training for Professionals (in German)
Weiterbildung für ‘Psycholog:innen FSP’ (Training for graduated Psychologists):
Curriculum zum verkehrspsychologischen Gutachter:in (= ‘Fachpsycholog:in für Verkehrspsychologie FSP’)

Weiterbildung für ‘Fachpsycholog:innen für Psychotherapie FSP’ (Training for Licenced Psychotherapists):
VfV-Weiterbildung zur anerkannten Verkehrstherapeut:in