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Psychological Assessment of Traffic Behaviour

Karren von Esel gezogen mit Stop Schild
kobi & yael from Israel, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

What is a  Psychological Assessment of Traffic Behaviour?

Traffic psychologists carry out psychological assessments of driving fitness on behalf of the cantonal driver and vehicle administrative authorities. The aim of this driving fitness assessment is to make a statement regarding the future roadworthiness of the person being examined. The reason for a traffic psychological aptitude test is doubts about a person's behaviour or cognitive fitness to drive.  As a rule, fitness to drive assessments are carried out by order of the administrative authorities. The following questions are generally asked by the authorities:

  • 01
    a. From a traffic psychology perspective: Is there a character problem which means that the person is highly unlikely to comply with the Road Traffic Act in the future?

    and / or

    b. From a traffic psychology perspective: Is there a character problem which means that the person is highly unlikely to consistently separate the consumption of drugs (e.g. alcohol, narcotics) and driving in the future?

    and / or

    c. From a traffic psychology perspective: Is there a high degree of probability that the person has performance deficits or cognitive impairments to such an extent that participation in road traffic (taking into account the medical groups) is no longer safe? If yes: Are there any compensatory possibilities (sensitivity, critical faculties, reliability, etc.) that would allow a positive assessment of fitness to drive?
  • 02
    If the fitness to drive is affirmed: Are any further measures necessary (type, duration and intervals) and how are these justified?
  • 03
    If fitness to drive is denied: What measures  are indicated (type, duration) for re-authorisation and how are these justified? 
  • 04
    Further comments?

There are very many reasons for assigning a driving fitness assessment, including traffic offences, neuropsychological impairments, addiction problems and violent driving-related offences. The demands on the knowledge and skills of traffic psychologists are correspondingly broad and high .

Who needs a traffic psychology assessment?

People whose driving licence has been withdrawn as a precautionary safety measure and who have been ordered to undergo a traffic psychology assessment to clarify their fitness to drive, as well as people whose brain functions are in doubt. The following reasons can lead to doubts about a person's fitness to drive and the ordering of a psychological assessment: 

  • Annulment of the probationary driving licence
  • Cascade withdrawal (minimum 2-year ban due to multiple offences in traffic)
  • One or more serious traffic offences (especially speeding, aggressive behaviour)
  • One or more driving offences while unfit to drive (alcohol/drugs/medications; usually in combination with a traffic medical examination)

Doubts about cognitive fitness to drive are usually justified in the following cases: 

  • Three failures in the practical driving test
  • Application for a third learner's licence
  • Mental illness (usually in combination with a traffic medical examination).

Who carries out the fitness to drive assessments?

Fitness to drive assessments are usually carried out by or under the supervision of a 'Fachpsycholog:in für Verkehrspsychologie FSP' who is specially trained in psychological traffic assessments.

How do you make an appointment for a traffic psychology assessment?

Contact the expert of your choice by telephone, pay the costs for the assessement in advance, appointments are given after the receipt of the payment. 

What happens in the fitness to drive assessment?

A fitness to drive test usually consists of two parts:

  • A psychological test using a computerised test system specially developed for this purpose (cognitive performance, traffic-relevant personality traits and traffic-relevant attitude patterns)
  • Exploratory interview.

What does the result of a fitness to drive test lead to?

  • A positive result: The driving licence will be returned or a new driving licence can be acquired
  • A partially positive result: The driving licence will be returned under certain conditions (like alcohol or drug abstinence or traffic coaching sessions).
  • A negative result: the driving licence will not be returned and certain measures will be put in place (like courses or therapy). These requirements should help to retrieve the driving licence. After the requirements have been met a second assessment will examine the result.

How long does a fitness to drive test last?

The assessment usually lasts between 2 to 3 hours.

What are the costs of a assessment?

A fitness to drive assessment costs between 1000.- to 1200.- CHF
A cognitive performance test costs between CHF 600.- and CHF 800.–

More Information how to prepare for the assessment:

What are the requirements of a psychological traffic assessment?

There are strict formal and content-related requirements for a traffic psychology report. You can find these requirements here:

What happens after the assessment has been written?

The report is sent to the referring administrative authority within four weeks. The examinee will receive the results before the authorities from the expert directly.
However, the final legal decision is made by the driver and vehicle administrative authorities, and the examinees receives that decision in writing. Any questions should therefore be addressed to the administrative authorities directly.